Sunday, February 13, 2011

You Might Win Some But You Just Lost One

Thanks to my droogie friends Angelina and Mikala, I am fueled with an obsession of Lauryn Hill. Specifically, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. I can't get enough of it because it brings out all my resentment for facebook and hypocrites in general. (Damn, I am freaking bitter.)
Let's be real. Facebook is a front. You show people what they want to see so you can be portrayed in a light that you feel comfortable with. It's about keeping up with appearances. The main reason that I did this blog was to distance myself from these pretensions. I hope that through my words I can show who I am! Though, no one can see that through anything posted on the internet. People who write statuses about the awesome things they did the night before (I have done this myself many many times), such as " Had an amazing time with so and so licking the floor for five hours" , is name-dropping bullshit. Why is it so many people seek validation from others about what they do? Why did I do that? The fact that nobody is "liking"/validating what I did last night makes that night a lot more special. I can talk about my night to the people who care about what I have to say.
You just want someone to care and to show it to the world, but that isn't going to make your life more complete, it's just going to make you dependent.
I realize that I am shitting on facebook, but it's a great way to keep it out of my system.
I'll get over this anger stage soon. I can never hold grudges for very long, not even for websites.


Virginia Bronte said...

Anonymous said...

hey droog! I had an amazing time for five hours licking the floor with you last night!

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