Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Same shit, different day.

Day two of facebook rehab.
It feels like I dropped off the face of the Earth. It's so strange how a website can trick you into thinking that you are popular and well-known. Without it, suddenly you feel as if you don't matter, or even exist. That's basically how I feel now. My urges to re-activate my facebook have decreased since I first took it off but I'm realizing that without it I am suddenly more lonely. I pretty much moved to China and only told three people.
I'm thinking : shit , there are people who I will never talk to again just because I am not on facebook. People that I chat with occasionally, but never hang out with. It's not as if I don't like them, but neither of us is going to make the effort to text each other.
I've also realized that facebook adds another step into the dating and friendship games... For example, you meet someone and you tell them your full name. Sure enough, they add you on facebook. So, I guess if I meet someone I'll have to ask for their number immediately if I ever want a real chance at seeing them again. Scary, if you think about it.
I cannot believe how much that website influences my life.
(I refuse to believe that talking about facebook will be my niche, but I still haven't found one yet so bear with me.)


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about loneliness and the people you will never talk to again, (as we discussed over bacon cheeseburgers and semi-decent fries). it will be ok, because ilovecursing and I have your back. in fact you just sent me a text message (something you do with the people who like you regardless of blue-colored social networking sites), and i must say i agree with you that this post (and this project as a whole) is awesome. do i smell a book in the future? the world may never know. what i DO smell in the very NEAR future is a deliciously musky aroma that would remind one of the burning of dried leaves. do you smell it too? resist the urges to re-activate! you are doing well! i also think that you should remember that even though some of the people who are your "friends" may lose contact with you since due to your de-activation, this does not mean that all of them are assholes. some are still genuinely nice people that just depend on facebook like the other 500 million people in the world. i think talking about your thoughts might be your niche, virgina!
peace,love and pineapples

Anonymous said...

I would like to refer to you by your new designated nickname. Ginny Brontitty? or maybe just ginny titty. Never-the-Less Ginny, I am so happy to see that you have walked away from such an addiction. I am sad to report that your inspiration has had a relapse but happy to say that you have inspired her to try again. She is ready to drop the fb, kick the habit, and deal with the occasional shakes and pale blue flashbacks. She is very proud of you and feels that intervention should designate a whole season to people like you, and me(but i have been talking in third person, so you and her)." I am always proud of you and love you. Your niche should be living the american dream as a russian,soviet,ballet,blonde,chain-smoking, vodka drinking, sniffing, beautiful, spy.
For the sake of the possibility that big brother is in deed screening for sentences that include the term "russian" and "spy", I must make note that virginia bronte is not a spy.

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