Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crackhead Honor Pledge

The most important thing about this blog is that it should be real. I really want to be as honest as I can and not hide any pretenses or be hypocritical. I want my readers to know that I am trying my best to be as open-minded as I can and take everything into consideration so that I'm not prejudiced. I was looking back at my last post and I think it was too hostile. I am not trying to condemn anyone. I write what I feel and what I think, but I want to be sure that I'm as objective as I can be when it comes to writing about facebook and other cultural phenomena. Yes, I think I have found my niche. I am no sociologist, but I am totally interested in modern culture in general and how it affects life!
My friend Charlotte (or Mikcracker) told me about "cool hunters". They are people who are hired by companies like MTV, whose target audience are teens and young adults, and are constantly out searching for what's "cool" now. That's why there is a bunch of hipster bullshit shows such as "My Life As Liz". Here's the catch: everything that is cool turns uncool when it becomes mainstream. Hipster, a term coined by the beat generation (Ginsberg, Kerouac etc), is basically a non conformist kid who liked to do drugs and listen to jazz. Now,a hipster is an indie music listening styled out vegetarian with pseudo-intellectuality. Hipsters have become uncool because even Kesha sings about them. They are no longer unique but ubiquitous (SAT word, hells yeah).
My point is that what if I am tapping into the cool/uncool fad realm by removing my facebook? Is it possible that unconsciously I removed facebook because I see it as uncool because everyone has one? My friend Brooke told me that there is a surprising amount of people at her school that want to delete their facebooks as well. She told me that in one of her classes even the professor mentioned something along the lines of that people are deleting their facebook more than ever before.I'm curious to know if I am just on the same pretentious road that I tried to evade in the first place! Let's be real, there's even a movie about facebook with Justin Timberlake. That's pure marketing. Facebook used to be exclusive to college kids but now anyone can have one. Does that mean it lost its cool and I'm just trying to follow a different trend? I don't know if I can really answer that, but it has certainly been on my mind. The only thing I know is that since I removed my facebook I don't feel any cooler, but I have experienced feelings of condescension to people who do have one. I am not purposely trying to be better than people who do, I am trying to be honest with myself and identify these feelings and figure out the cause and effect. Part of it definitively has to do with the trend theory, but I know that I can't help what becomes a trend and what doesn't. I just want to inspire people and show them that ,down to the core,facebook isn't about networking anymore, it's about making money and showing off. That, my friends, will always be uncool.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

You Might Win Some But You Just Lost One

Thanks to my droogie friends Angelina and Mikala, I am fueled with an obsession of Lauryn Hill. Specifically, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. I can't get enough of it because it brings out all my resentment for facebook and hypocrites in general. (Damn, I am freaking bitter.)
Let's be real. Facebook is a front. You show people what they want to see so you can be portrayed in a light that you feel comfortable with. It's about keeping up with appearances. The main reason that I did this blog was to distance myself from these pretensions. I hope that through my words I can show who I am! Though, no one can see that through anything posted on the internet. People who write statuses about the awesome things they did the night before (I have done this myself many many times), such as " Had an amazing time with so and so licking the floor for five hours" , is name-dropping bullshit. Why is it so many people seek validation from others about what they do? Why did I do that? The fact that nobody is "liking"/validating what I did last night makes that night a lot more special. I can talk about my night to the people who care about what I have to say.
You just want someone to care and to show it to the world, but that isn't going to make your life more complete, it's just going to make you dependent.
I realize that I am shitting on facebook, but it's a great way to keep it out of my system.
I'll get over this anger stage soon. I can never hold grudges for very long, not even for websites.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Same shit, different day.

Day two of facebook rehab.
It feels like I dropped off the face of the Earth. It's so strange how a website can trick you into thinking that you are popular and well-known. Without it, suddenly you feel as if you don't matter, or even exist. That's basically how I feel now. My urges to re-activate my facebook have decreased since I first took it off but I'm realizing that without it I am suddenly more lonely. I pretty much moved to China and only told three people.
I'm thinking : shit , there are people who I will never talk to again just because I am not on facebook. People that I chat with occasionally, but never hang out with. It's not as if I don't like them, but neither of us is going to make the effort to text each other.
I've also realized that facebook adds another step into the dating and friendship games... For example, you meet someone and you tell them your full name. Sure enough, they add you on facebook. So, I guess if I meet someone I'll have to ask for their number immediately if I ever want a real chance at seeing them again. Scary, if you think about it.
I cannot believe how much that website influences my life.
(I refuse to believe that talking about facebook will be my niche, but I still haven't found one yet so bear with me.)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's Jules Verne's Birthday.

I am starting this blog because I am freaking tired of Facebook. My friend Angelina inspired me to deactivate mine. All I do when I go on it is check my crush's shit, then check my ex-boyfriend's shit, then update my status to something "witty", and then stalk stalk stalk. I don't give a shit about what people do on facebook but I've had it for so many years I can't kick the habit of trying to dig out the latest "oooo she broke up with him!!!" kind of crap. It's driving me nuts. And now it's all about looking artsy and intellectual. Well, I'm neither so I don't fit in anyway. I can say that , sure, I love books and music and movies, but that doesn't make me Banksy, and it won't further my intellectuality by posting it on facebook. I've decided to cut one addiction by starting another! So instead of saying "look at me!" on facebook, I can do it here, where at least I know that my friends are (hopefully) reading it and not judging me by how I look like in my profile picture. It's an experiment of sorts. I am trying to find my niche but so far it's only been a day, so my niche is : Fuck Facebook, Yay Blogs!
I'm going to the ballet tonight to see Giselle with my mother. I also started ballet classes. (Black Swan fever), but I also saw that there is a blog by a 19 year old girl that also started ballet classes, so I guess that niche is taken. I don't know.  I'm not very good at any particular thing like music or art or WoW. BUT, GOD AS MY WITNESS, I WILL FIND A NICHE!!!!!!!!!
Until then, I will continue in my crackhead ways and hope I don't get caught.
I hope this is a good enough first post, and if I inspire anyone to delete their facebook, God help you because I am feeling the cold turkey rehab and you will too, sucker.